05/24/24 - ZimCal publishes rebuttal to MFIN’s investor deck and posts complete emails to/from MFIN allowing investors to see for themselves the extent of MFIN’s half-truths and lies.
ZimCal Asset Management LLC and its affiliates (“ZimCal”) was shocked but not surprised by the antics of MFIN. MFIN’s President, Andrew Murstein, is being charged by the SEC with fraud and repeated lying. That those half-truths and lies would be aimed at one of MFIN’s largest investors who is demanding common sense changes to governance, leadership, compensation and risk mitigation shows how desperately MFIN does not want change. MFIN untruthfully claimed that ZimCal demanded MFIN payoff ZimCal’s debt. This could not be further from the truth as the emails below clearly show. ZimCal has already issued a Cease & Desist letter to MFIN. We encourage shareholders to read through every email and decide for themselves.
ZimCal issues press release addressing false allegations by Medallion Financial Corp.
Medallion Investor Presentation May 2024 - includes defamatory statements about ZimCal
First Request by MFIN to ZimCal to try to get ZimCal to provide a “monetization” option.20231204
Follow up with MFIN detailing reason for activism and desire to stay invested in MFIN.20240101
Murstein states that MFIN will treat ZimCal as hostile.20240205
Letter to the Board of Directors of MFIN sent at request of MFIN’s counsel and Mr. Murstein.20240212
Request by ZimCal for MFIN to stop focusing on a payoff and focus on business improvements.20240301